
Creation of a Life Estate

Creation Of A Life Estate

Creation of a Life Estate in Miami

A life estate is a legal arrangement that allows an individual, known as the “life tenant,” to retain the use and enjoyment of a property for the duration of their lifetime. Upon their passing, the property transfers to another individual, known as the “remainderman.” This legal tool is often used in estate planning for various reasons, offering benefits and considerations that individuals should understand. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the creation of a life estate, its advantages, potential drawbacks, and key considerations.

Understanding the Life Estate Concept

In a life estate arrangement, the life tenant retains the right to live in, use, and benefit from a property while alive. However, they do not have the authority to sell or transfer the property during their lifetime. The life tenant also has a responsibility to maintain the property and pay property taxes and insurance.

The remainderman, on the other hand, holds a future interest in the property. This means that they have a legal right to the property, but they cannot take possession of it until the life tenant passes away. Once the life tenant dies, the property transfers to the remainderman without going through probate.

Creating a Life Estate

Life estates are typically created through legal documents, often by a property owner who wants to ensure that the property passes to a specific individual or entity while allowing someone else to use it during their lifetime. Here are the key steps in creating a life estate:

1. Consultation with an Attorney

The process begins with consulting an experienced attorney, like those at Morgan Legal Group in Miami, who specializes in estate planning and real estate law. An attorney can provide guidance on whether a life estate is suitable for your circumstances and help you navigate the legal requirements.

2. Drafting Legal Documents

Your attorney will draft the necessary legal documents to establish the life estate. This typically includes a deed that specifies the creation of the life estate, the life tenant, the remainderman, and the terms and conditions of the arrangement.

3. Recording the Deed

The deed is recorded in the county where the property is located. Recording the deed ensures that the life estate is a matter of public record.

4. Fulfilling Responsibilities

Once the life estate is established, the life tenant is responsible for maintaining the property, paying property taxes, and keeping it in good condition.

Advantages of a Life Estate

Life estates offer several advantages:

  • Avoiding Probate: Property held in a life estate bypasses the probate process, which can be time-consuming and costly.
  • Control: The property owner (life tenant) maintains control and use of the property during their lifetime.
  • Medicaid Planning: Life estates can be used as part of Medicaid planning strategies to protect assets while ensuring eligibility for long-term care benefits.

Considerations and Potential Drawbacks

While life estates offer benefits, they also come with considerations:

  • Loss of Full Ownership: The property owner (life tenant) loses the ability to sell or mortgage the property without the remainderman’s consent.
  • Medicaid Lookback Period: Transferring property into a life estate may trigger a Medicaid lookback period, potentially affecting eligibility for Medicaid benefits.
  • Responsibilities: The life tenant is responsible for property maintenance, taxes, and insurance.


A life estate can be a valuable tool in estate planning, offering advantages such as probate avoidance, control, and Medicaid planning benefits. However, it’s crucial to carefully consider the potential drawbacks and consult with an experienced attorney to determine if a life estate aligns with your estate planning goals.

For personalized guidance on creating a life estate or other estate planning matters, contact Morgan Legal Group in Miami, where our skilled attorneys are dedicated to helping clients secure their future and protect their assets.

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