Can power of attorney withdraw money after death in Florida?

Can power of attorney withdraw money after death


A power of attorney (POA) is a legal document that grants one person the authority to act on behalf of another. While the extent of the powers granted can vary, one common question that arises in this context is whether a power of attorney can withdraw money. The answer to this question involves carefully examining the legal framework surrounding powers of attorney, the rights and responsibilities of the agent, and the potential implications for the principal. In this article, we will explore the legal intricacies of financial withdrawals by a power of attorney, the restrictions, and the practical aspects involved.

Understanding the Power of Attorney:

A power of attorney is a legal instrument that allows an individual, known as the principal, to appoint another person, the agent or attorney-in-fact, to make decisions or act on their behalf. These decisions can encompass various matters, including financial transactions, property management, healthcare decisions, and more. Powers of attorney are a fundamental tool in estate planning, providing individuals with a means to ensure that their affairs are managed should they become incapacitated or unable to act independently.

Authority to Withdraw Money:

The authority to withdraw money is an important aspect of a financial power of attorney. This legal document can grant the agent the power to access the principal’s bank accounts, write checks, make electronic transfers, and manage various financial assets. However, the extent of this authority can be explicitly defined in the power of attorney document. It’s crucial to recognize that not all powers of attorney grant the same level of financial control. The agent’s ability to withdraw funds depends on the specific language used in the document and the intentions of the principal.

Types of Power of Attorney:

There are different types of powers of attorney, each serving a distinct purpose. The two primary types that are relevant to the authority to withdraw money are:

General Power of Attorney:

A general power of attorney provides the agent with broad authority to manage the principal’s financial affairs. This type of POA allows the agent to withdraw funds, conduct banking transactions, and handle various financial matters. However, it’s essential to be cautious when using a general power of attorney, as it can be susceptible to abuse if not carefully supervised.

Limited or Special Power of Attorney:

A limited or special power of attorney is more focused and grants the agent specific, limited powers. For example, a principal may grant a special power of attorney to an agent for a single real estate transaction or a specific financial task. In this case, the authority to withdraw money is constrained by the limitations defined in the document.

Restrictions and Limitations:

While a power of attorney can empower an agent to withdraw money, there are legal restrictions and limitations in place to protect the principal’s interests. These restrictions are crucial to prevent potential abuse of the agent’s powers. Some common limitations include:

Specific Instructions:

The power of attorney document can include specific instructions or restrictions on how, when, and for what purposes money can be withdrawn. This adds a layer of control and oversight.


Agents are typically required to keep detailed records of their financial transactions, providing transparency and accountability for their actions.

Fiduciary Duty:

Agents owe a fiduciary duty to the principal, which means they must act in the principal’s best interests. Any misuse of funds can lead to legal consequences.

Expiration or Revocation:

Powers of attorney can have an expiration date or be revoked at any time by the principal. This gives the principal the ability to terminate the agent’s authority, especially if they have concerns about the agent’s actions.

Responsibilities of the Agent:

Agents under a power of attorney have a fiduciary duty to act in the principal’s best interests. This duty is a fundamental legal requirement that governs agents’ behavior, particularly regarding financial matters. Some key responsibilities of the agent include:

Prudent Management:

Agents must manage the principal’s financial affairs prudently, avoiding any risky or speculative investments.

Avoiding Conflicts of Interest:

Agents should not engage in any activities that create a conflict of interest with the principal’s interests.


Agents must maintain clear and accurate records of all financial transactions carried out on behalf of the principal.

Acting Solely for the Principal:

Agents must ensure that their actions are solely for the principal’s benefit and not for personal gain.

Regular Reporting:

In many cases, agents must provide regular reports to the principal or other interested parties, demonstrating transparency and accountability.

Challenges and Concerns:

While powers of attorney are essential tools in estate planning and ensuring that financial affairs are managed in the event of incapacity, there are potential challenges and concerns that individuals should be aware of:

Abuse of Power:

The authority to withdraw money granted to an agent can be abused, leading to financial exploitation of the principal.

Lack of Oversight:

In cases with limited oversight, the agent may not act in the principal’s best interests.

Incapacity and Trust:

Powers of attorney can be invoked when the principal may be vulnerable due to incapacity. Trusting the right person as an agent is crucial.

Legal Requirements:

Complying with the legal requirements of powers of attorney is essential to avoid potential disputes and complications.

Choosing the Right Agent:

Selecting the right agent is critical, as they will have significant authority over the principal’s financial affairs.


In conclusion, a power of attorney can indeed grant the authority to withdraw money, but the extent of this authority depends on the type of power of attorney and the specific instructions within the document. Agents have a fiduciary duty to act in the principal’s best interests, and legal safeguards are in place to protect the principal’s rights. It is crucial for individuals considering a power of attorney to seek legal advice, carefully consider their choice of agent, and ensure that the document aligns with their intentions. With the right legal guidance and a well-drafted power of attorney, individuals can effectively manage their financial affairs and make provisions for the future.

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